
JONAHmagazine is composed of stories. Stories of journeys, in space, in time, in the heart, or in the mind. Beginnings, endings, triumphs and frustrations, odysseys of the spirit. Poetry, prose, true stories, memoir. Tales humorous or not. Fish stories, big fish stories. Lies. Stories that come from the soul, or that steal it. Stories that derive from the sky or the deep blue sea, or from nothing and nowhere.




The Book of Jonah, one of the books of the Tanach (the Old Testament), tells the story of Jonah, the reluctant prophet, to whom God gives the assignment to order the King of Nineveh to mend the ways of his kingdom before the Lord sends destruction upon them all. Jonah, knowing that this will almost surely end badly, flees aboard a boat. God sends a storm and the seamen, realizing they are in deep trouble, assign the blame (correctly) to Jonah, who is famously thrown overboard and swallowed by a giant sea creature. Miraculously thrown up on shore, Jonah decides to grow up, take responsibility, and proceeds to save the city of Nineveh.




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writing from the soul and the mind

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